The only person more clueless than me at 12,14, & 16
Turned up to contracts this morning and had no idea what I was doing. Same Ol', Same Ol' you might say. And.. if you did say that then you'd probably be right. However, this time my lack of knowledge mattered. Claire, intuitively realised that half of the class didn't know how to apply the law. Mainly because law students are generally morons (except for yours truly of course :)). Having come across this realisation she announced that she would be getting us all to apply the relevant law (which I had no clue of) to an old fact situation (examined in a tutorial I hadn't attended) and that she would be examining our finished product (way to make a first impression..).
Not the end of the world, you might think. One thing was clear: bluff. Only problem was that a girl in my group STOLE my role as 'bluffer'. She instantly assumed control asking each one of us what the law was.
The bluff was obvious to professional such as myself: when you know nothing at all, assume the leadership position, ask all of the questions and provide none of the answers. Since plan A was stolen I had to resort to Plan B which involved pretending that I knew everything. Which, predictably, ended in near disaster. It wasn't a total disaster because the lecturer forgot to check my 'work'.
However, there are some people who are more clueless than I am. Britain's The Sun newspaper (noted for its undercover reporting of topless women) reports that a British Family has recently given birth to 3 children.
More's the merrier for the UK's birthrate you might say, it will slow the need to resort to channel-crossing asylum seekers. Well, even the dodgiest three-wheel taxi-driver from Calcutta might inject more useful genes into the pool than these three. The mothers are aged 16, 14 and most amazingly of all: 12!!
And again, they all come from the same family. Whilst, I think giving birth at '12' warrants some kind of a puberty medal it does make me concerned that people like this are the only ones still breeding...
Not the end of the world, you might think. One thing was clear: bluff. Only problem was that a girl in my group STOLE my role as 'bluffer'. She instantly assumed control asking each one of us what the law was.
The bluff was obvious to professional such as myself: when you know nothing at all, assume the leadership position, ask all of the questions and provide none of the answers. Since plan A was stolen I had to resort to Plan B which involved pretending that I knew everything. Which, predictably, ended in near disaster. It wasn't a total disaster because the lecturer forgot to check my 'work'.
However, there are some people who are more clueless than I am. Britain's The Sun newspaper (noted for its undercover reporting of topless women) reports that a British Family has recently given birth to 3 children.
More's the merrier for the UK's birthrate you might say, it will slow the need to resort to channel-crossing asylum seekers. Well, even the dodgiest three-wheel taxi-driver from Calcutta might inject more useful genes into the pool than these three. The mothers are aged 16, 14 and most amazingly of all: 12!!
And again, they all come from the same family. Whilst, I think giving birth at '12' warrants some kind of a puberty medal it does make me concerned that people like this are the only ones still breeding...
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