Thursday, May 19, 2005

No Campaign Launches

The UK 'NO to the EU constitution' campaign has launched.

Interesting the imagery and whatnot invoked on the frontpage. The first page contains an attractive 'Asian' (in England, Indians/Desis/Pakistanis/etc.. are referred to as asian) lady with a quote underneath, reading: "I’m voting no because it’s time Europe changed"

.... a good tip for National in the upcoming campaign: make it look like your supporters aren't old, white, xenophobic fascists.

Still, that's probably a bit of an exagerration. In England the NOs seem to be in the majority. But they shouldn't be. In the modern world, supra-national bodies are needed to better control the tide of globalisation. This doesn't mean that England will always get its way, but it does mean that England will now have a way of controlling globalisation, rather than having no control at all.

To illustrate my point, look how ineffective an English anti-trust ruling against Microsoft would have been in comparison to the recent EU one. Had England's courts chosen to intervene, Microsoft (as a last resort) could have pulled its operations from the country or redirected its funds to make its money inaccessible to the English court system. However, pulling and redirecting money away from Europe as a whole is a much harder task for the company. Thus, Microsoft was forced to cough up a huge portion of its revenues in a recent antitrust suit.

Sticking with England, British Parliamentarian George Galloway ripped into the US Senate as only a Scotsman could. I'm wondering how much of an impact it really had in the US though. For starters, it doesn't even seem to rate a reference on Michelle Mankin (prominent conservative commentator)'s blog.

A cynic might say that was because Galloway's claims were unrebuttable...


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