Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mum... can I wii?

Nintendo has finally revealed the name of its new console.... Wii. In other words, it's Wi-Fi minus the F (get it, "it's Wi-Fi -F").

Nintendo's stated reasoning is that Wii is 'we' phonetically. I'll take their word for it, though I have a sneaking suspicion that Wii might phonetically translate into 'Wee' (as in urination). It also apparently represents the remote-control-style controllers & two people getting together and 'playing'.

Seems like Nintendo has gone completely abstract with its naming system, not to mention insane.

GameDevBlogger is full of praises for the new name
. I am considerably less so.What was wrong with the Revolution? After all, in plain english that's kind of what the new console represents.

Having said that, weirdly named crap seems to sell well in Japan so maybe that's the market they're aiming for.

Don't worry, I'm still going to buy it.


Blogger Tho said...

haha. Nice post, but I think you may have overlooked this small snippet from my post at GameDevblogger.

It's an interesting concept. Strange yet cute name. Nothing surprising from those wacked out minds who created 2 ass kicking plumbers that ate shrooms to gain super powers

Pretty much sums up how insane those at Nintendo are. Always coming up with weird ideas. I personally liked REVOLUTION more as well, but I've also learned to never question those crazy kats at Nintendo either. =)

But same as you, I still plan on buying it.

Thanks for dropping a line.

5/03/2006 10:11:00 am  

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