Tuesday, August 16, 2005

So much to do, so little willpower

About to head off to bed. Have had one of those days where there has been no shortage of things do and yet I haven't done anything. Times like these build up and sooner or later you find yourself under a pile of assignments crying.

As you can see, I've been here quite a few times before!

We often blame lecturers for cramming their due dates so that they coincide with one another. Yet, truth be told, they give us plenty of time for our work. We just don't give OURSELVES enough time. Just don't tell THEM that!

On the bright side, did clear a backlog of unread blog entries in my bloglines account. Unfortunately that's the only bright side. I didn't even end up watching Daredevil :(

Monday, August 15, 2005

Learn Pashto as long as you have good ears

Finally! Have been curious about this language ever since America invaded Afghanistan and everybody wanted to find out what kind of a culture we were exterminating.

Pashto is the language of the Pathan/Pashtuns/Pushtun/Pakhtun/Lost Tribe of Israel whatever you want to call them. They occupy the North West Frontier Province (now there's a hangover from colonisation if I ever saw one) of Pakistan and are the majority ethnic group in Afghanistan.

Until now my link to this culture was a friend who hails from the NWFP, however he understandably has better things to do than teach me how to say 'can you touch my penis' in his mother tongue. So, I have been left to trawl the net looking for free sites but to no avail.

But now, I have found it! A free site that teaches you some basic phrases in Pashto. No, it doesn't teach you how to say 'can you touch my penis' but I'm sure the phrase is in the pipeline.

The one downside (other than the whole basic phrases thing) is that, although it has speech files for each of the phrases the person recording the file recites the words really REALLY fast!

However, I haven't found any site that's willing to even touch the Pashtun language for anything less than your credit card number, so use it for free while you can.

Oh Man, Damn! I was looking forward to bitching about Russell Brown

He actually wrote a surprisingly good column this week. One that, for once, didn't have me reaching for the 'Close Tab' button in Mozilla.

I'm not sure if he's turned over a new leaf or just got lucky. Let's assume he's turned over a new leaf. If he has then I would say it's really good that his latest column isn't atrociously boring, hideously long, and devoid of any links you'd actually want to click.

So what got me excited about him this week? Well for one he highlighted an interesting InternetTV program that at the moment only works on Mac. Then he linked to a quote from an American Far-right commentator who reveals that he respects France for bombing the Rainbow Warrior!

In my books he is the most overrated blogger in NZ but hey, what do I know. I also think Tze Ming Mok is one of the most underrated bloggers but everyone else seems to think that 'good writing and Tze Ming Mok don't go together'. So what do I know, maybe I just have horrible taste. If I ever do get 'good taste' though, please take me out of my misery and shoot me.