Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Top marks to NZ First

I suppose it's time I said something positive about NZ First.

The internet's been around for a long time now. As far as most political parties are concerned it might as well not even have occured. The Greens and Act embraced it long ago, but as for the rest...

Well, now we can add another unlikely party to the list: NZ First. Given the er... 'composition' of NZ First's fanbase, you might've expected them to be the last to jump onto the IT bandwagon.

Although it's something I loathe to do, I found myself wandering onto their website this morning. Their IT strategy is actually well thought out. The website is clean and fast to load. It has downloadable speeches in MP3 format. As well as that, the designers clearly have dial-up users in mind. The 'videos' are not bandwidth consuming rm files, rather they are picture files with an MP3 soundtrack, easibly viewable for all internet users.

So next time you're feeling particularly elderly, go visit NZ First's website.. it's safe and you just might be surprised...


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