Sunday, July 10, 2005


Singapore Rebel has tracked the decline of Singapore into a totalitarian dictatorship (albeit a wealthy one) via some haunting news articles. Singapore's first elected government banned rock music and popular culture under the guise of 'correcting the balance' between popular and more respectable forms of music. They never phrased it as an outright ban.

Then, under the guise of nationalism they created a monopoly for Singapore-owned broadcasters on the news they were allowed to print. Their stated reason was that Singaporeans must learn to see things from a 'Malayan' point of view rather than a Western one.

A lesson for us all, not to be too complacent with the freedom we have...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Oh Man.. the French tactic was to get the voters to trust CHIRAC?!?!

Actual Quote from the losing French Olympic Bid:

"Dear friends ... I shall vouch for this. You can put your trust in France, you can trust the French, you can trust us,"

- Jacques Chirac (who actually spoke during France's Olympic Bid Presentation!). Read here.


They based their campaign on getting the world to TRUST the French?

What.. do they expect us to forget the oil contracts in Iraq, Chirac's corruption allegations in Paris, the near election of a fascist as President, the mess in Ivory Coast, the whole Algeria thing, EU Agricultural subsidies, the fact that they're the only European country to ban headscarves, and their xenophobic attitudes towards further EU expansion?!?!

Goddamn, no wonder they lost.

How do you say embarassment in French?

The French were favourites. Which was why they just had to lose.

Bangers and Mash it is. Despite how bad this will be for London economically, I shan't let my good sense detract from the sheer joy of laughing at the millions of Frenchies who lined the streets of Paris to celebrate a 'certain' victory :)

Update (8:55AM 7/07/2005): As expected the French don't look too happy at all...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Old Rivals face off again..

It's now a choice between croissants and bangers & mash.

New York and Madrid have been knocked out in the IOC vote for which country will have the honour of accruing skyloads full of debt and useless infrastructure in 2012.

Official results should be announced in about half an hour. If you're looking for a midnight Olympic party, finding some accomodation in Paris would be a good idea as it is largely tipped to win. The area Paris has chosen to host the games is interesting... Saint Denis is a well known hive of prostitutes with its most notable landmark being a totally trashed McDonalds.

Another interesting part of this bid has been how well it has fitted in with the last few weeks of trans-channel rivalry. A few weeks ago we had the ruccus over the budget rebate and CAP. And only last week the British and French were commemorating the British victory at Waterloo, with the British complaining that they weren't allowed to blow French warships up for real!

Leave Jerry Maguire Alone!

Man.. what the hell..even Republican blogs are picking on Tom Cruise...WHY?!?!

I mean he's a pretty good actor (Jerry Maguire) and stars in some pretty awesome movies (Mission Impossible, Minority Report, Rain Man, etc..).

And yeah he's going out with Katie Holmes.. and yeah she's young and hot & he's older.. but he ain't exactly the ugliest guy on earth is he? (I would've thought Catherine Zeta-Jones marrying Michael Douglas was a lot worse..).

I can understand why people would be freaked out about Scientology, but come on! It's not like this is news! He's had these beliefs for over 10 years now. And it's not like he's alone either John Travolta and Kirstie Alley, are just one of a long line of famous scientologists.